A cross-disciplinary research group at HydroSciences Montpellier
The urban environment acts as a concentrator in many aspects. The high density of information and matter fluxes, sanitary exposure and threats to resource availability, as well as that of stakes contribute to an increased risk. Concentration applies to spatail and time scales (urban catchments are known to react faster to hydrological events than rural ones).
The current global change context makes it difficult to discriminate between the effects of a changing climate and ongoing urbanization processes on the various hydrological processes. The « Water and the City » research axis gathers several teams of the HSM laboratory from various disciplines.
The urban environment acts as a concentrator in many aspects. The high density of information and matter fluxes, sanitary exposure and threats to resource availability, as well as that of stakes contribute to an increased risk. Concentration applies to spatial and time scales (urban catchments are known to react faster to hydrological events than rural ones).
The current global change context makes it difficult to discriminate between the effects of a changing climate and ongoing urbanization processes on the various hydrological processes. The research axis « Urban water » « L’eau dans la ville » gathers several teams of the HSM laboratory from various disciplines.