The HSM Urban Observatory is funded by the HydroSciences Montpellier laboratory (UMR 5151).

DR13 CNRS – several gauges are hosted by the local representation of the National Research Council.

ENSAM – 2 rainfall gauges are located on the premises of the National School of Architecture.

3M – Montpellier Méditerranée Métropole maintains several flow rate measurement gauges and provides the related data. The Verdanson rainfall-discharge monitoring network is being developed in cooperation with 3M.

UM – 3 rainfall gauges are currently implemented on the campus of University of Montpellier.

IMAG / G. Toulemonde – 2 rainfall gauges were funded by the FRAISE project, a follow-up to the Cerise project.

Observil – our Urban Observatory is part of the Observil National Observation Service.