The Abidjan conurbation is the mirror observation site of the Lez-Verdanson site. Combined with a strong and barely controlled urban growth, the weakness of the urban drainage infrastructure leads to exacerbated pressure on water quantity and quality.

The observation system consists of several rainfall gauges and a number of flow gauges implemented in several catchments. Those are selected based on the degree of urbanization and the degree of development of the drainage system. Hydrochemistry and bacteriology measurementare also carried out at these measurement stations. Our partners are the Nangui Abrogoua and Félix Houphouët Boigny universities, and Institut Pasteur Ivory Coast. The observation data is being saved and shared through the ORIESA [1] repository. For the pluviometers with remote transmission, the total rainfall volume over different durations are available on

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[1] Observatoire de Recherche sur les Interactions Eaux et Société dans le district d’Abidjan