Rainfall events (6-7 Sept. 2021): a few shots

ON 6 and 7 September 2022, a sequence of heavy rainfall events occurred over the Montpellier urban area. A few pictures taken on 7 Sept. around noon can be visualized from the following map : https://umap.openstreetmap.fr/fr/map/omsev-site-du-verdanson-episodes-des-06-et-07-sept_805685#15/43.6293/3.8535

Screen capture of rainfall intensities measured over the premices of the regional hospital centre.Raw, unprocessed data in mm. Acquisition time step 1 min.

Rainfall event (16 August 2022): a few shots

On 16 August in the evening, a rainfall event occurred over the urban area of Montpellier. As a consequence, the local authorities decided to close the Voie Domitienne avenue near the crossing of the Verdanson river.

Videos available here: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLR-S-6BQ2UrJPOSxFiAjUOOOqsdCOXyfR

Map & georeferenced media: https://umap.openstreetmap.fr/fr/map/evenement-du-16082022_799060#15/43.6246/3.8496

A screen capture from the rainfall gauge network (raw, unprocessed data).